Pre instalacije Kylix3 paketa na Mandrake9 pokrenuo sam test
sa instalacionog diska koji je uspesno izvrsen.
Istalacija Kylix3 prosla je bez problema. Medjutim,
prilikom startovanja (pre toga sam resetovao KDE)
javljaju se sledece greske:
[dejan@localhost dejan]$ startdelphi
Runtime error 230 at 4146903D
[dejan@localhost dejan]$ startbcb
Exception EConvertError in module at 414EC03D.
'' is not a valid integer value.
[dejan@localhost dejan]$
U "README" fajlu pise sledece:
If you encounter a Runtime error 230 when running
the startup scripts (before a splash screen appears),
please check your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ensure that
/bin _precedes_ the qt/lib directory reference.
If you edit your /etc/profile manually, you may need
to exit from X windows and restart it before running
Koji fajl treba editovati, i sta tacno upisati?
Paket je instaliran u /home/dejan/kylix3.