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Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste

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Slobodan Miskovic

Član broj: 4967
Poruke: 5814

+105 Profil

icon Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste27.02.2006. u 12:14 - pre 225 meseci
Microsoft unveils Vista editions
Bill Gates, AP

Bill Gates talked about Vista at the Consumer Electronics Show

Microsoft is planning six versions of the next incarnation of its Windows operating system.

Three versions of the software, called Vista, will be for home users, two will be for businesses and one will be for emerging markets.

One of the home versions of Vista will include features that let users store and play back TV shows.

No fixed date has been given for the release of Vista but it is expected to be launched by the end of 2006.

Launch line-up

Vista, which was known as Longhorn during its long development, is a major re-working of Windows that makes changes, among other things, to the way the operating system looks and how it handles networking and sound.

Microsoft said the six versions were designed to match the demands different users have for its software. No details have been given about the pricing of the separate versions.

The six versions are:

# Vista Business
# Vista Enterprise
# Vista Home Basic
# Vista Home Premium
# Vista Ultimate
# Vista Starter

Vista Business will be the basic version for companies of all sizes and includes tools that will help organisations manage their PCs.

The Enterprise version of Vista will have all of the features in the basic version and add to them improved encryption including a BitLocker system that will stop confidential data being viewed if a computer is lost or stolen.

The Home Basic version is intended for those who only want to use their PC to browse the net, use e-mail and create and edit basic documents. It will also include desktop search and security tools.

Vista Home Premium includes everything in the Basic version and adds the new graphical interface called Aero.

Microsoft said it will also have improved media handling abilities so it can help users organise and enjoy their digital images, music and movie collections. Also included will be tools to help people author and burn DVDs.

PCs running the Premium edition will also be able to connect their machine to an Xbox 360 gaming console.

Vista Ultimate has all the features of the business and home editions in one package.

The Starter edition is a streamlined version intended for low powered PCs found in many developing nations.

Also available will be versions made specifically for Europe that, in accordance with an EU mandate, remove the Windows media player.

Microsoft pointed out that the current version of Windows, XP, is available in six different versions though most of these are tuned for the different types of hardware, such as a Tablet PC, people are using.

By contrast Vista versions are organised by what people plan to do with their computer.

"We don't want customers to be forced into buying something that isn't going to meet all their needs," said Barry Goffe, Microsoft's director of Windows client product management.



P.S. Kladim se da ce svi prziti Vista Enterprise mada nikome skoro netreba od kucnih korisnika...

[Ovu poruku je menjao Slobodan Mišković dana 27.02.2006. u 13:15 GMT+1]

Miroslav Jeftić
Istraživanje ruda

Član broj: 37513
Poruke: 6833

Sajt: about:blank

+2200 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste27.02.2006. u 12:46 - pre 225 meseci
Čuj enterprise. Ultimate!

crncevic sasa

Član broj: 43803
Poruke: 15


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste04.03.2006. u 00:20 - pre 225 meseci
Pa OK!
Dali je neko probao vec neku verziju Viste?
Nesto sam malo citao po forumima,dali uopste moze da ubaci Vista pre XP SP3?
Kakve nam uopste masine trebaju za Vistu?Jedan lik mi je rekao da mi treba graficka minimalno pci express 6600 koja kosta valjda oko 100 evrica....


Član broj: 32
Poruke: 7781

+6455 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste04.03.2006. u 00:32 - pre 225 meseci
Ako bude stvarno ovako kao što su napisali to će biti ekstra....


Član broj: 64366
Poruke: 939


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste04.03.2006. u 08:28 - pre 225 meseci
Nesto sam malo citao po forumima,dali uopste moze da ubaci Vista pre XP SP3?

Nema govora o SP3 za XP prije Viste! Microsoft je sada u potpunosti orijentiran na razvoj Vistu, a SP3 za XP se planira za sljedeću godinu.

Kakve nam uopste masine trebaju za Vistu?

Vista će uvelike iskorištavati snagu današnjih grafičkih monstruma i zbog toga će korisnici morati imati karticu barem iz mainstream segmenta i to sa PCI Express sučeljem, a spomenuta 6600 (u PCI Express varijanti) spada u taj segment. To je što se tiče grafike, zahtjevi Viste što se tiče snage CPU-a također neće biti maleni pa valjda i to "srediti" prije dolaska Viste.
Knowledge is power.

crncevic sasa

Član broj: 43803
Poruke: 15


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste04.03.2006. u 13:14 - pre 225 meseci
Hvala na detaljnom objasnjenju....
Samo me zanima dali je Vista vec stigla?Posto sam citao ovde od nekih da su kao imali nekih problema sa Instalacijom i Driverima....
Malo sam zbunjen po pitanju toga...?!?!?[quote]IcyImpact: zahtjevi Viste što se tiče snage CPU-a također neće biti maleni pa valjda i to "srediti" prije dolaska Viste.


Član broj: 64366
Poruke: 939


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste04.03.2006. u 14:34 - pre 225 meseci
IcyImpact: zahtjevi Viste što se tiče snage CPU-a također neće biti maleni pa valjda i to "srediti" prije dolaska Viste.

Mislio sam na finalnu verziju.

Već duže vrijeme internetom kruže buildovi nove verzije windowsa (prije Longhorn, sad Vista) pa su i sada tako u opticaju beta verzije Windows Viste (aktualni build je mislim 5308). To je uobičajena i neophodna praksa prije izlaska nove verzije jer treba puno vremena da se testira tako opsežan komad softvera i tako u konačnici napravi što bolja finalna verzija.
Knowledge is power.

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste04.03.2006. u 18:31 - pre 225 meseci
IcyImpact:zahtjevi Viste što se tiče snage CPU-a također neće biti maleni pa valjda i to "srediti" prije dolaska Viste.

IcyImpact: Mislio sam na finalnu verziju.

Zapravo ce finalna verzija imati daleko bolje optimizovan programski kod tako da ce hardwerski zahtevi biti radikalno manji za razliku od raznih buildova koje sada testirate.
Naravno iskljucenjem Avalona (sada poznat kao Windows Presentation Foundation) ako je suditi po nekim izvestajima cela stvar ce se dodatno ubrzati.

zanimljivi linkovi:,1995,1902540,00.asp

[Ovu poruku je menjao Goran Mijailovic dana 05.03.2006. u 00:53 GMT+1]


Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12866

+4787 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste04.03.2006. u 18:47 - pre 225 meseci
Ja bih lincno veoma voleo kada bi ovo zaista bilo uradjeno. Pored sigurnosnih razloga, stabilnost sistema bi se povecala jer bi GUI bio odvojen od samog sistema i ne bi imao tolikog uticaja na njega.


Član broj: 64366
Poruke: 939


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste05.03.2006. u 10:56 - pre 225 meseci
Zapravo ce finalna verzija imati daleko bolje optimizovan programski kod tako da ce hardwerski zahtevi biti radikalno manji za razliku od raznih buildova koje sada testirate.

Kod će vrlo vjerojatno biti podosta optimiziran u odnosu na aktualne bete, činjenica je da će finalna Vista tražiti ipak nemalo snažan hardver. Ne bih rekao da će hardverski zahtjevi Viste u finalnoj inačici biti - radikalno manji, mislim da je to prejaka riječ.

Naravno iskljucenjem Avalona (sada poznat kao Windows Presentation Foundation) ako je suditi po nekim izvestajima cela stvar ce se dodatno ubrzati.

Naravno, isključenje WPF-a će biti spas za one sa slabijim grafičkim karticama.

Uostalom, pogledajte na što se tiče hardverskih zahtjeva.

Ja bih lincno veoma voleo kada bi ovo zaista bilo uradjeno. Pored sigurnosnih razloga, stabilnost sistema bi se povecala jer bi GUI bio odvojen od samog sistema i ne bi imao tolikog uticaja na njega.

Bit će sigurno. Micanje GUI-a iz kernela je odlična stvar, sada nestabilni driveri grafičkih kartica neće raditi tolike probleme, a i cijeli novi drajverski model je odličan i drastično će poboljšati stabilnost windowsa te nas "zaštititi" od smećastih drivera koji su bili prvi argumenti anti-windows grupi protiv windowsa...

So the move should result in greater reliability, because crashing drivers cause some 89 per cent of system crashes in Windows XP, according to Microsoft.
Knowledge is power.


Član broj: 13175
Poruke: 2895


+6 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste08.03.2006. u 10:51 - pre 225 meseci
pricalo se da ce biti mozda vise od 6, a sada ispade 5

The five different versions of Windows Vista are designed to fit the way you intend to use your PC:


Windows Vista Business
Regardless of the size of your organization, Windows Vista Business will help you lower your PC management costs, improve your security, enhance your productivity, and help you stay better connected.

Windows Vista Enterprise
Windows Vista Enterprise is designed to meet the needs of large global organizations with highly complex IT infrastructures. Windows Vista Enterprise can help you lower your IT costs while providing additional layers of protection for your sensitive data.


Windows Vista Home Premium
Whether you choose to use your PC to write e-mail and surf the Internet, for home entertainment, or to track your household expenses, Windows Vista Home Premium delivers a more complete and satisfying computing experience.

Windows Vista Ultimate
If you want all of the best business features, all of the best mobility features, and all of the best home entertainment features that Windows Vista has to offer, Windows Vista Ultimate is the solution for you. With Windows Vista Ultimate you don't have to compromise.

Windows Vista Home Basic
Windows Vista Home Basic is designed to deliver improved reliability, security, and usability to home PC users who just want to do the basics with their PCs.

[Ovu poruku je menjao aleksandaraleksandar dana 08.03.2006. u 11:54 GMT+1]

Milorad Latovljev

Član broj: 68615
Poruke: 651


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste09.03.2006. u 15:00 - pre 225 meseci
XP je spustio osvezavanje ekrana na 60 frejmova u sekundi, dzabe sto graficka izvlaci 150 kad vidite svaki treci. Vista ce se i za to pobrinuti, spustice frejm rejt na 3 tako da ce osvezavanje od 60 frejmova sve prikazati.

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste10.03.2006. u 23:46 - pre 225 meseci
Sta to rece prijatelju?
Neka sala ili ozbiljno?

Slobodan Miskovic

Član broj: 4967
Poruke: 5814

+105 Profil

icon Na zapadu nista novo - Microsoft delays launch of Vista ;)22.03.2006. u 13:06 - pre 224 meseci
Kao sto se i ocekivalo :D

Microsoft delays launch of Vista
Microsoft plans to delay the consumer launch of its much-anticipated Windows Vista operating system to January 2007.
It had originally aimed to launch Vista - the first major update since Windows XP was introduced five years ago - in the second half of 2006.
Now, a version will be available for corporate customers from November 2006.
Vista will then be rolled out for consumers after the holiday shopping season, said a spokesman for Microsoft - the world's biggest software maker.
But analysts said this could throw some PC manufacturers and retailers into turmoil.
"It's not the optimal situation, to be launching the next-generation version of Windows right after the big holiday sales season," said analyst Joe Wilcox at Jupiter Research.
Efforts to improve security in the new system were largely behind the delay, Microsoft said.
Six versions
Microsoft is planning six versions of the next incarnation of its Windows operating system.
Three versions of the software, called Vista, will be for home users, two will be for businesses and one will be for emerging markets.
Vista, which was known as Longhorn during its long development, is a major re-working of Windows that makes changes, among other things, to the way the operating system looks and how it handles networking and sound.
Microsoft said the six versions were designed to match the demands different users have for its software.
No details have been given about the pricing of the separate versions.
When Vista eventually hits the market it will be the longest gap between releases of Windows systems.

Izvor: BBC

Banja Luka

Član broj: 18190
Poruke: 147

+41 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste22.03.2006. u 14:41 - pre 224 meseci
Security issues je zvanicno saopstenje ?
A nezvanicno mislim da ce prije biti ovo gore pomenuto sa hardverskim zahtjevima tj. procjena da ce do 2007 Q1 hardver da "sazri" za vistu...

Miroslav Jeftić
Istraživanje ruda

Član broj: 37513
Poruke: 6833

Sajt: about:blank

+2200 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste23.03.2006. u 10:47 - pre 224 meseci
Tema je prebačena u TOP i koristite je za novosti, komentare/utiske i opštu raspravu. Za eventualne konkretne probleme u radu sa Vistom, pokrenite nove teme.


Član broj: 64366
Poruke: 939


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste23.03.2006. u 13:43 - pre 224 meseci
Razvoj Viste je već neko vrijeme gotov i sada se vrše detaljne analize, testiranja. Sad sve to treba dobro ispolirati kako bi radilo dobro. Nisu security-related stvari jedine koje su "krive" za odgodu Viste;

Jim Allchin: "We are going to continue working on all the aspects that we think are quality: That means backwards compatibility, performance--security is a big thing," Allchin said during a conference call. "As you know, safety and security have been a driving factor in this release all along ... We know what we need to do in order to make this system one that people are going to be able to feel safe and secure with when they get it."
Knowledge is power.


Član broj: 47124
Poruke: 3



icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste29.03.2006. u 18:53 - pre 224 meseci
Jel neko instalirao verziju 5342? Izgleda mnogo stabilnija od proslih. Za one koji su instalirali OS, kako vam se svidja novi koncept Viste (UI, bezbednost, pretraga, itd)? Da li ste ocekivali nesto vise, ili nesto manje od MS-a? Jel mislite ce taj OS biti uspesan kao XP, ili mozda propast?

Znanje je moc.


Član broj: 79588
Poruke: 38


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste30.03.2006. u 12:18 - pre 224 meseci
nadam, mislim da ce bit bolja,ali nevolim microsofove nateazanje i krpljenje da nepricam o ie6....zato se nadam da ce ovo sad sa vistom bit mnogo bolje,uostalom ljudi imaju para nezuri im se :DD,slazem se sa postom o tome da ce je optimizovat da finalne verzije ,jer su bete mnogo zahtjevnije....aJDE samo nek je zavrse do 2008 :DDd

[Ovu poruku je menjao wapkralj dana 30.03.2006. u 13:19 GMT+1]


Član broj: 64366
Poruke: 939


icon Re: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste30.03.2006. u 20:01 - pre 224 meseci
Ne smeta mi ni da odgode Vistu za drugu polovicu '07, samo neka oni kvalitetno naprave ono što su u betama nagovjestili.
Knowledge is power.

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Microsoft unveils Vista editions - 6 razlicitih verzija Windows Viste
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