Da li je neko probao Amulet? home page: http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~amulet/
kratak opis:
AMULET is an entirely free, public domain user interface development environment
in C++. Code written using Amulet will work with little or no changes on
all platforms. Amulet is a user interface development environment for C++ and is
portable across X11 on all kinds of Unix (Sun, Dec, HP, SGI, Linux,
NetBSD, etc.), Microsoft Windows 95 and NT, and the Macintosh. Amulet
helps you create graphical, interactive user interfaces for your
software. More than just another free virtual toolkit, Amulet
includes many features specifically designed to make the creation of
highly-interactive, graphical, direct manipulation user interfaces significantly easier, including a prototype-instance object model,
constraints, high-level input handling including automatic undo,
built-in support for animation andg esture-recognition, and a full set
of widgets.
postoje verzije za unixe, windowse i mac. ovde su linkovi za dl:
ver. za unix je 3.2 MB