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Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer

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Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer22.08.2013. u 16:47 - pre 131 meseci
A set of leaked documents that reached the web today reveal that the German authorities have advised the local government to avoid using Windows 8, as the operating system contains backdoors that would allow Microsoft and the United States National Security Agency (NSA) to access all computers running it.

The papers published by German newspaper (translation needed) reveal that the Federal Administration and other departments have been warned of a so-called backdoor in the Trusted Computing technology standard and the built-in Trusted Platform Module (TPM) that would allow Microsoft to remotely access any system powered by Windows 8.

TPM 2.0 was officially launched in 2011 and cannot be disabled, as it’s automatically started whenever the user starts booting Windows 8 on both desktop computers and tablets.

The leaked documents have reportedly been sent to German authorities in early 2012, which could be a sign that local agencies found out about the PRISM program and NSA’s spying activities way before whistleblower Edward Snowden disclosed the US government’s secret operations this summer.

"Due to the loss of full sovereignty over the information technology, the security objectives of ‘confidentiality' and ‘integrity' can no longer be guaranteed," the documents read, according to the aforementioned source.

"This can have significant consequences on the IT security of the Federal Administration."

What’s more, the German officials have explained that using Windows 8 on government computers "is unacceptable," and recommended everyone to stick to Windows 7, which should be the right choice "until 2020."

Microsoft hasn’t yet responded to these allegations, but expect an official statement on this anytime soon.

This isn’t the first time when Microsoft is involved in activities that come down to spying on users, but up until now, the company has always denied accusations, claiming that it only complies with state laws when it’s being asked to provide user data.

The tech giant has repeatedly stated that it doesn’t provide the NSA or other US intelligence agencies with free access to its user database, emphasizing that all details are encrypted and access to private information is only done based on federal request.
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Član broj: 20684
Poruke: 884

+67 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer22.08.2013. u 17:20 - pre 131 meseci
Auuuu koji FUD od teksta ...
jaaako jaaaako banalizovano tumacenje cele stvari.
hteo neko da se omasti od sve ove bure oko NSA leakova.
TPM mi se licno nikako ne svidja, i ima dosta problema , ali mislim da je ovakav tekst previse napumpan.

Pricali smo vec na drugoj temi o Intelovom ME i slicnim nekim stvarima, koje bi trebalo
da podsticu istu sumnju.
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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer22.08.2013. u 17:21 - pre 131 meseci
Hihihi, tekst jeste cist FUD (verovatno neka ekipa za uvaljivanje Linuxa hoce da se omasti o drzavni ugovor) ali bas je kul - ima samo jos vise da poveca cenu stete od NSA fijaska :)

Mislim da USA kongresmeni na ruckovima u Vasingtonu vec pocinju da dobijaju poruku od strane biznisa, da su malo zas*ali :)
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Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden

Član broj: 4312
Poruke: 3379

+1365 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer23.08.2013. u 08:12 - pre 131 meseci
Tekst možda jeste FUD, ali p1zdarija oko prisluškivanja je vrlo vrlo opipljiva i nadam se da će ih masno koštati.
Mada, gledam oko sebe koliko su ljudi pasivni i nezainteresovani, ovo će biti zaboravljeno u roku od par mjeseci. Jedino konkretno iz ovoga će biti neka šteta izražena u zelembaćima, ali to je sve.
Ljudi su ovce.
Beneath civilization's fragile crust, cold chaos churns...
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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer23.08.2013. u 09:06 - pre 131 meseci
Ta "steta u zelembacima" ima daleko vise sanse da nesto promeni u USA nego bilo sta drugo.

Kada izgube trziste EU banaka, osiguravajucih kuca, velikih retailera i sl.. veliki cloud provajderi ce sigurno uloziti dosta lobi love u promenu statusa quo.
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Igor Gajic

Član broj: 93194
Poruke: 747

+987 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer23.08.2013. u 09:36 - pre 131 meseci
Neke konkretnije brojke:


The ITIF report says that U.S. cloud providers might lose $35 billion by 2016. That's the high end of the loss estimate, and it assumes that U.S. providers eventually lose 20% of the foreign market to competitors. The ITIF estimates the global cloud market next year at about $148 billion, with the non-U.S. market at about $76 billion.

S druge strane PRISM omogucava fenomenalne opcije za data-mining. Revolucija, u smislu svrgavanja tiranske vlade, postaje nemogucnost, posto ce se svaki pokusaj u korenu saseci. Ovo kao da je stvoreno za totalitarne rezime. Mozda ce biznis korisnici biti postedjeni nadziranja da bi se vratio profit, ali dobit od prisluskivanja obicnih ljudi je daleko daleko veca.

No, sto Tyler rece, ljudi su ovce. Svakim danom sve vece...

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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer23.08.2013. u 09:47 - pre 131 meseci
Igor Gajic
Revolucija, u smislu svrgavanja tiranske vlade, postaje nemogucnost, posto ce se svaki pokusaj u korenu saseci.

Ma dajte ljudi nemojte da se lozite.

PRISM je najobicnija rupa za spucavanje enormne budzetske love posto je "nacionalna bezbednost" codeword za bacanje para bez granica. Fakat je da je u pitanju grubo krsenje ustavnih sloboda i zloupotreba autoriteta i da kao takvo mora biti reseno na vrhovnom sudu USA, ali te price o nekoj super-efikasnosti su price za malu decu.

Sam fakat da neki levaci (contractor u slucaju NSA, i vojnik u slucaju USA vojske) mogu da iscure godine i godine poverljivog diplomatskog i bezbednosnog materijala govori o kompetencijama NSA i slicnih agencija. NSA, kao i svaka druga slicna agencija su gomila birokrata - jedina razlika je sto ti konkretni imaju slobode koja druge birokate nemaju ali to ih magicno ne cini nista pametnijim niti efikasnijim.

Stavise, ograniceno nadgledanje (zbog "nacionalne bezbednosti") te agencije verovatno cini jos vecim bastionima nekompetencije posto skoro sav svoj materijal klasifikuju kao poverljiv pa je jos teze otkriti gafove i ukazati na bacanje resursa.

Sto se svrgavanja tiranskih vlada tice - u zemljama gde vladaju tirani, glavni nacin socijalne organizacije ljudi nije neki fakin' Facebook i e-mail, vec mesta gde se ljudi skupljaju, poput dzamija u petak na bliskom istoku. Cak i kada bi drzave hipoteticki imale cloud sisteme sa tako dobrom analitikom + kompetentne ljude da tu analitiku razumeju, to im nista nece pomoci u zemljama gde nemiri ne pocinju na Internet-u.

To ne znaci da se protiv ovakvih stvari ne treba boriti - ali to preuvelicavanje njihovih mogucnosti na mitske je stvarno preterano.
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Član broj: 253999
Poruke: 3837

+1376 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer23.08.2013. u 11:47 - pre 131 meseci
Nisam ocekivao ovoliko ne-tehnickih komentara od Dinkovica i to jos u istoj temi.
A povrh svega da se slozim :)
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Homer J. Simpson

Član broj: 307921
Poruke: 688

+923 Profil

icon Re: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer23.08.2013. u 15:07 - pre 131 meseci
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[es] :: Advocacy :: Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer

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