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sfc /purgecache ??????

[es] :: Windows desktop :: sfc /purgecache ??????

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icon sfc /purgecache ??????23.07.2004. u 23:28 - pre 245 meseci
RUN komandom "sfc /purgecache" windows xp direktorijum se smanji za par stotina MB, pa me interesuje za sta sluze ovi fajlovi koji se brisu tom komandom (nalaze se u windows\system32\dllcache direktorijumu)? da li ima jos nekih komandi koje brisu "nepotrebne fajlove iz windows direktorijuma ne bi li ga smanjili?
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Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
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+165 Profil

icon Re: sfc /purgecache ??????22.04.2006. u 08:33 - pre 224 meseci


If the dllcache directory becomes corrupted, run SFC /PURGECACHE. SFC will delete the contents of the dllcache directory, rescan all Windows files, and repopulate the dllcache directory with verified file versions.
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: sfc /purgecache ??????

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