Evo ih ...... za one koji još ne znaju
little secret things koje provjereno rade i na NEO-u
nadam se da engleski nije problem
Viewing File Information
(Info o fajlu)
- in SMART NAVI menu if you select file and press OSD button it will display much more information about mpeg-4 files and mp3 files (such as audio/video codec, how many channels, length and size of file)
Provjereno funkcioniše !
Reposition Picture while in Zoom Mode
(Skrolanje slike u zoom modu)
- while watching *avi files in zoom mode u can possition the picture as you like
Meaning that whith up,down,right,left buttons u can move the picture on the screen. I have notice that when u press zoom the picture is not centered correctly - now u can fix it
-while watching mpeg-4 files u can press right,left button, this will forward/backward movie by 10 seconds (this works for mp3 files as well but only backwards)
Provjereno funkcioniše !
Ovo je samo da po završetku jednog direktorija "svira" sljedeći
MP3 - with multiple folders
I found a great tip to read a complete disc with MP3 in different directories.
With the Smart Navi menu, the MP3 files are only played in the current directoy.
To play a complete disc without selecting each directory,
1. Enter a directory with a MP3 files
2. Move the cursor on one MP3
3. Press REPEAT button till 'DISC' is diplayed
4. Press ENTER button
and the player will play all MP3 files automatically. (down through the folders)
You can jump Backwards or Forwards to listen to the wanted MP3 file
Provjereno funkcioniše !
Ubacim mp3 CD (ne treba mi TV) sa više direktorija , stisnem RAN pa PLAY i uživaj
Random mp3's through all folders
Random play MP3's of total disc contents
When you switch off the Smart Navi (Setup-Preferences) you can random play MP3's in different folders on a disc. (press shuffle - kod nas je to čini mi se RAN - until it says 'Random')
Bit of a pain having to go through the setup menu to do it, but at least it works... amazing what little things keep cropping up.
Have just tested, .jpg's (and possibly other supported file formats) also work.
(although it spends a lot of time flashing 'Searching...' between files if you have a lot of jpg's on the one disc)
Provjereno funkcioniše !
When you think everithing happens to you is so bad ....
remember that always could be even worse.