Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

Mozilla 1.2

[es] :: Browseri :: Mozilla 1.2

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[ Pregleda: 7428 | Odgovora: 21 ] > FB > Twit

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Pretraga teme: Traži
Markiranje Štampanje RSS

Stefan T.
Freelance web/grafički dizajner.
Novi Sad, Srbija

Član broj: 34
Poruke: 2465

ICQ: 28675801

+1 Profil

icon Mozilla u 00:25 - pre 270 meseci konačno final.
» Mom, mom, look what I did, mom!
» Look what I did to my hands, I broke 'em!
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vrzić

Član broj: 85
Poruke: 3866


+4 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 15:50 - pre 270 meseci

What's New in Mozilla 1.2

* Type Ahead Find is a new feature that allows quick navigation when you type a succession of characters in the browser, matching the text in one or more links on the page. To give it a spin just go to a web page, start typing, watch the typed characters highlight as they find a match in a link and hit enter to load the selected link. You can also use it to search for any text on the page by typing / before your search text. Read the full Type Ahead Find documentation to learn about all of its features, prefs and future plans.

* Linux users should upgrade to the latest Flash 6 Beta. This new version fixes several problems including crashing with remote displays and hangs when the audio device is in use at the time Flash starts up. Mozilla 1.3 Alpha may not support Flash 5 or earlier so update now. (Bug 58339, 58937)

* Building on Mozilla's customizability, you can now show toolbars as text/icons/both (in the default Classic theme). We also have a few other usability improvements like image selection visualization (image highlights with system selection color when selected) and the removal of the confusing toolbar grippies.

* Improvements to native look and feel in both the browser interface and the browser content area. We now support most native GTK themes in Mozilla which means that your Mozilla toolbars and other widgets will pick up the GTK theme look and feel. We also support native look and feel for web content like form controls under windowsXP.

* Making tabbed browsing even more useful, you can launch the browser with a group of bookmarks as your start page. This loads several pages into tabs at startup.

* Keyboard access is greatly improved including additional accesskeys for menus, other ui elements and page elements.

* We have a new features that utilizes browser idle time to download or prefetch documents that the user might visit in the near future. A web page author provides a set of prefetching hints, using the w3c standard <link> tag, and after the browser is finished loading that page, it begins silently prefetching specified documents and stores them in its cache. When the user visits one of the prefetched documents, it can be served up quickly out of the browser's cache. (See the Link Prefetching FAQ).

* Java compatability with Mac OS 10.2 (Jaguar) has been repaired.

* XML prettyprinting, similar to IEs default-view for XML is now available in Mozilla.


* Mozilla Mail has a new "filter after the fact" capability so users can create a filter and then run that filter on already downloaded mail. Filter logging has also been implemented which allows power users to see a log of all of the filter actions.

* In mail you can now select and copy text from message headers and you can now drag and drop from the message search results window.

* On Windows you can now add multiple attachments to a mail message via the Attach File dialog.

* Palm sync for Mozilla addressbook on MS Windows has been implemented. (installation instructions)

* Major improvements to Mac OS X IMAP mail header download performance. Preliminary tests show about 2000% improvement.


* For distributors of Mozilla-based products (but not enabled in Mozilla yet because many linux installations don't yet support it) XFT support has been implemented, bringing the latest in Linux font anti-aliasing to Mozilla. Build with --enable-xft on a system with the xft libs to use this feature.

* The Mozilla Technology and Standards Evangelism Team worked with many of ecommerce and other high-traffic sites to increase support for the standards and standards based browsers like Mozilla.

int rand(void);

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Upali lampicu — koristi Jabber!
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vrzić

Član broj: 85
Poruke: 3866


+4 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 13:34 - pre 270 meseci
Mozilla 1.2 je povučena sa download servera zbog otkrivenog bug-a u DHTML endžinu. Izdanje 1.2.1 se očekuje za par dana.
int rand(void);

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Upali lampicu — koristi Jabber!
Odgovor na temu

Stefan T.
Freelance web/grafički dizajner.
Novi Sad, Srbija

Član broj: 34
Poruke: 2465

ICQ: 28675801

+1 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 18:53 - pre 270 meseci
» Mom, mom, look what I did, mom!
» Look what I did to my hands, I broke 'em!
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Mozilla 1.3a14.12.2002. u 19:43 - pre 270 meseci
Izašla je i Mozilla 1.3 Alpha kao i Phoenix 0.5

Odgovor na temu

Stefan T.
Freelance web/grafički dizajner.
Novi Sad, Srbija

Član broj: 34
Poruke: 2465

ICQ: 28675801

+1 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 19:08 - pre 270 meseci
Odličan je novi Phoenix, ispravili su neke bagove.

Još mi je frka sa onim auto-complete menijem. Naime, vidim samo drugu polovinu.
Ne znam da li je to zbog moje rezolucije (1280x1024).
» Mom, mom, look what I did, mom!
» Look what I did to my hands, I broke 'em!
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Izašla nova Mozilla 1.3b11.02.2003. u 19:30 - pre 268 meseci
Mozilla for Windows 1.3 Beta

Release Date: February 11th, 2003

Changes in Current Version:
Image auto sizing allows a user to toggle between full-sized images and images sized to fit the browser window

Mozilla Mail's junk-mail classification is mostly complete. Users can now automatically move junk mail to a spam folder

Users can now "dynamically" switch profiles

Find as you type, formerly known as type ahead find, has a new preferences panel
When installed, Chatzilla now has a normal Mozilla preferences panel

about:config, the listing of most of Mozilla's preference settings is now editable

# This release of Mozilla marks the kickoff of a research project to apply machine learning to improve the browser's autocomplete feature. The project's first phase needs as many Mozilla users as possible to participate in collecting data. All you need to do is turn on a pref, use this build for daily browsing for a couple of weeks, zip up a data file on your local drive, and submit it online

Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Re: Izašla Mozilla Firebird (formerly Phoenix) 17.05.2003. u 13:31 - pre 264 meseci
Mozilla Firebird (formerly Phoenix) - Windows 0.6 Glendale - Beta Version

Mozilla Firebird project (formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform.

Changes in Current Version:

* New default theme
* Redesigned Preferences window
* Improved Privacy Options
* Improved Bookmarks
* Talkback enabled
* Automatic Image Resizing
* Smooth Scrolling
* Access to more preferences
* Profile Chrome
* Lots of bug fixes
Odgovor na temu

Tomica Jovanovic
freelance programmer

Član broj: 4128
Poruke: 3448

Sajt: localhost

+5 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 16:25 - pre 264 meseci
e stvarno su me malo razočarali ovi iz razvojnog tima mozille..

kao da ne znaju da postoji jedan drugi OS projekat pod istim imeno Firebird.. (OS fork borland interbase sql servera za neupućene..)

baš kao da nema dovoljno imena mitskih i mitoloških životinja i bogova ;) za nazivanje OS projekata, nego još mora da se dupliraju i unose pometnju ;)
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vrzić

Član broj: 85
Poruke: 3866


+4 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 22:14 - pre 264 meseci
Pa znaju, bila je i čitava pometnja oko toga. Ali eto, ovo je sad kao radni naziv, a kad izađe final, zvaće se jednostavno Mozilla Browser.
int rand(void);

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Upali lampicu — koristi Jabber!
Odgovor na temu

Miroslav Strugarevic

Član broj: 5038
Poruke: 2689

+68 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 03:04 - pre 264 meseci
Valjda će da je malo ubrzaju....
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla 1.4 final - Release Date: June 30th, 2003 01.07.2003. u 20:59 - pre 263 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vrzić

Član broj: 85
Poruke: 3866


+4 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 15:19 - pre 263 meseci
Hiljadu mu nemaskirajućih prekida! Aleluja!
int rand(void);

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Upali lampicu — koristi Jabber!
Odgovor na temu

Mihailo Stefanović

Član broj: 1825
Poruke: 767



icon Re: Mozilla u 01:22 - pre 263 meseci
Mlogo mi tu nešto sumljivo da izbacuju Release Candidate verzije na svakih 7 dana Ali dobro, možda oni to "RC" shvataju za ozbiljno, za razliku od nekih koji ih izbacuju na 6 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Mozilla for Windows 1.5 Alpha Release Date:July 22nd, 200323.07.2003. u 14:24 - pre 262 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Mozilla Firebird (formerly Phoenix) for Windows 0.6.1 - Release Date: July 29th, 2003 29.07.2003. u 19:20 - pre 262 meseci

Odgovor na temu

Tihomir Pantović

Član broj: 7796
Poruke: 537

ICQ: 74381511


icon Re: Mozilla u 13:33 - pre 261 meseci
koji firebird je sad pod haubom? 0.6.1 ili neki nightly?
GnuPG public key:

Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and
then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with
people of all creeds and nations.
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vrzić

Član broj: 85
Poruke: 3866


+4 Profil

icon Re: Mozilla u 14:28 - pre 261 meseci
Nije Firebird pod haubom Mozille, već obrnuto. Još uvek je SeaMonkey glavna grana razvoja.
int rand(void);

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Upali lampicu — koristi Jabber!
Odgovor na temu

Tihomir Pantović

Član broj: 7796
Poruke: 537

ICQ: 74381511


icon Re: Mozilla u 15:00 - pre 261 meseci
hmm nisam pročitao roadmap do kraja, na početku kažu da posle 1.4 prelaze na firebird, ali pred kraj kažu:
*Again, we're only pointing the way here. The detailed plan of attack should be developed in the newsgroups and via Bugzilla. It's clear now that we will not be able to switch to Mozilla Firebird by the Mozilla 1.5 final milestone. Instead, we expect Mozilla 1.5 to coincide with Mozilla Firebird 0.7. But we intend to implement the new application architecture in the next several milestones, till most of the community is won over to the new apps. We invite your comments, preferably in the mozilla.seamonkey newsgroup.*

dakle čaka se 0.7 a ja i dalje ostajem na firebirdu ;)
GnuPG public key:

Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and
then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with
people of all creeds and nations.
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Izašla Mozilla for Windows 1.6 Alpha - Release Date: 01-11-2003 03.11.2003. u 09:22 - pre 259 meseci

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Browseri :: Mozilla 1.2

Strane: 1 2

[ Pregleda: 7428 | Odgovora: 21 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.